
939 products
Save HK$35.00
#NoPlasticMmGoi Champagne FluteChampagne Tumble
#NoPlasticMmGoi Champagne Flute
Sale priceHK$75.00 Regular priceHK$110.00
100% COTTON NAPKIN 4PC SET: Embroidered Christmas Chinoiserie100% COTTON NAPKIN 4PC SET: Embroidered Christmas Chinoiserie
3-in-1 PUZZLE: Dragons of Hong Kong3-in-1 PUZZLE: Dragons of Hong Kong
3-PIECE HANGING DECORATION SET: Mix & Match Gift Box (Empty)3-PIECE HANGING DECORATION SET: Mix & Match Gift Box (Empty)
4 Lucky "Lai See" Packets: WeddingSienna 4 Lucky "Lai See" Packets: WEDDING
6 Lucky "Lai See" Packets: Longevity NoodlesChocolate 6 Lucky "Lai See" Packets: Longevity Noodles
8 Lucky "Lai See" Packets: Lanterns8 Lucky "Lai See" Packets: Lanterns
8 Lucky "Lai See" Packets: Lion Dance8 Lucky "Lai See" Packets: Lion Dance
A4 GREETING CARD: Whole World Wide Web
A5/A4 Mounted Print: Paper With Pen (9 designs)A5/A4 Mounted Print: Paper With Pen (9 designs)
ADULT CARD GAME: Ride the MinibusADULT CARD GAME: Ride the Minibus
ADULT T-SHIRT: Hong Kong Dragon (3 colours)ADULT T-SHIRT: Hong Kong Dragon (3 colours)
ADULT T-SHIRT: Rhythm of the City (4 sizes)ADULT T-SHIRT: Rhythm of the City (4 sizes)
ADULT T-SHIRT: The Stowaways Symphony-The Musical Adventures of the Zoo Orchestra (3 sizes)ADULT T-SHIRT: The Stowaways Symphony-The Musical Adventures of the Zoo Orchestra (3 sizes)
ALVIN C.K. LAM POSTCARD SET: Set of 12- Dim Sum WatercolourALVIN C.K. LAM POSTCARD SET: Set of 12- Dim Sum Watercolour
ALVIN C.K. LAM POSTCARD SET: Set of 15 - Unspoken Stories, Unsung Heroes of Hong KongALVIN C.K. LAM POSTCARD SET: Set of 15 - Unspoken Stories, Unsung Heroes of Hong Kong
ALVIN C.K. LAM POSTCARD SET: Set of 6 - Markets and StallsALVIN C.K. LAM POSTCARD SET: Set of 6 - Markets and Stalls
ALVIN C.K. LAM POSTCARD SET: Set of 6 - Sunset WarriorsALVIN C.K. LAM POSTCARD SET: Set of 6 - Sunset Warriors
Alvin c.k. Lam Print: Dim Sum Illustrated GuideAlvin c.k. Lam Print: Dim Sum Illustrated Guide
ART PRINT: Hong Kong Homage 11" x 14" (open series)ART PRINT: Hong Kong Homage 11" x 14" (open series)
ART PRINT: Singapore Celebration 11" x 14" (open series)ART PRINT: Singapore Celebration 11" x 14" (open series)
ART PRINT: Singapore Celebration 11" x 14" (open series)
Sale priceFrom HK$500.00

3 colors available

Assia Bennani Print: Hong Kong A to ZAssia Bennani Print: Hong Kong A to Z
Assia Bennani Print: Hong Kong A to Z
Sale priceFrom HK$450.00
BAMBOO COASTER: Dim Sum set of 4BAMBOO COASTER: Dim Sum set of 4
BEACH TOWEL: Full Bloom - Sand FreeBEACH TOWEL: Full Bloom - Sand Free
Save HK$50.00
Bilingual Baby Milestone CardsMedium Aquamarine Bilingual Baby Milestone Cards
Bilingual Baby Milestone Cards
Sale priceHK$150.00 Regular priceHK$200.00
BLACK HOODIE: Mahjong - Heavenly TwinsBLACK HOODIE: Mahjong - Heavenly Twins
BLACK SWEATSHIRT: Mahjong- Heavenly TwinsBLACK SWEATSHIRT: Mahjong- Heavenly Twins
BOARD GAME: MarketplayBOARD GAME: Marketplay
BOARD GAME: Marketplay
Sale priceHK$298.00
BOOK:  Life On The Fringe- Almost Naked MemoirBOOK:  Life On The Fringe- Almost Naked Memoir
BOOK: 'A History of Hong Kong's TyphoonsBOOK: 'A History of Hong Kong's Typhoons
BOOK: 'City Vibe Hong KongBOOK: 'City Vibe Hong Kong
BOOK: 'City Vibe Hong Kong
Sale priceHK$499.00
BOOK: 'Old Hong Kong - The Way We Were 2BOOK: 'Old Hong Kong - The Way We Were 2

Free shipping over $500

We currently offer free, tracked, shipping within Hong Kong (cards are sent untracked) on all orders over $500. International shipping is calcuated based on the destination.