Hong Kong Writers Circle
BOOK: A Book of Changes
BOOK: A Book of Changes
Sheung Wan- PICK UP IN STORE (collection within 14 days)
2-12 Queen's Road West
10th Floor, Unit 1005, Arion Commercial Centre
Sheung Wan
Hong Kong Island Hong Kong SAR

The eighteenth annual Hong Kong Writers Circle anthology of fiction, essays, and poetry.
Compilation of fiction, non-fiction, and poems that capture the inevitable changes.
Yin or yang? Yes or no? Go or stay? Take it or leave it. Every choice and change divides the world in two. Make the cut again and again. Recognise yours as one among eight billion words. There goes another. If you're looking for meaning in such a place, you may as well throw in your lot with oracles and soothsayers.
Here is a bundle of yarrow. Split the stalks and sort out their message. Here is a handful of coins. Compute the binary code you toss. Here is a quiver of pointy sticks. What possible world shakes out?