Old HK Lights
CANDLE: Floral Blue and White Teabox-Mui Wo scent (pointy lid)
CANDLE: Floral Blue and White Teabox-Mui Wo scent (pointy lid)
Sheung Wan- PICK UP IN STORE (collection within 14 days)
2-12 Queen's Road West
10th Floor, Unit 1005, Arion Commercial Centre
Sheung Wan
Hong Kong Island Hong Kong SAR

Floral blue and white teabox: Mui Wo scent
- 500ml
- 3 wicks candle rice bowl
- Scent- Mui Wo scent: grapefruit, tangerine, lavender, lime, rosemary
- Organic soy wax.
The concept behind Old HK Lights is that no vessel or object should be used if it can be found pre-loved. There is already enough waste in other industries, home decor should first re use what’s available. That’s why Alix thrifts and up-cycles all the candle vessels and decors which are sold under the Old HK Lights project.
Alix finds those second hand objects from individuals everywhere in HK, antique shops and stalls, restaurants shutting down, businesses used samples and houses being emptied. The main concern is: it won’t end up landfilled! So remember each object sold at OHL has been sourced with care and patience