CERAMIC PLATE: HK Toile Oval Platter
CERAMIC PLATE: HK Toile Oval Platter
Sheung Wan- PICK UP IN STORE (collection within 14 days)
2-12 Queen's Road West
10th Floor, Unit 1005, Arion Commercial Centre
Sheung Wan
Hong Kong Island Hong Kong SAR

A fine bone china oval platter in Faux’s Hong Kong Toile in green and gold, designed by artist Mariko Jesse, will bring a stylish touch to your crockery collection and home décor. These beautifully crafted platters strike the perfect balance between classic and contemporary, making them timeless pieces. Exquisitely packaged, these unique toile designs are ideal gifts for weddings and birthdays. Adorned with gold, this stunning pattern shines and sparkles, making it perfect for festive occasions like Christmas, New Year, and Thanksgiving.
Jesse’s original design centres on an overall floral repeat pattern featuring Hong Kong’s native flora and fauna, bauhinias and camellias, butterflies, wild boar and dolphins. As well as a modern and traditional motifs including dim sum, moon cake, a tram, a cable car, a kung fu fighter, rabbit sweet, the iconic tram and much more have been delightfully incorporated into this classic design.
Dimensions (in cm)Width: 32.00
Depth: 24.00