Vision Board Workshop with Wild at Art

Vision Board Workshop with Wild at Art

An amazing evening with Art Therapist Katie Flowers creating a Vision Board for helping make goals and creative decisions this year.
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Irene and I went to Wild At Art - the home of renowned art therapist and all round good egg Katie Flowers - to join her 2024 Vision Board workshop last week. As colleagues, we spend every day creating together, but I wanted to give us the opportunity to create something just for us and simply for the pure enjoyment of the artistic- and mindful- process.


I find making Vision Boards a uniquely profound experience which helps me to share- and make sense of- my story, to understand the ways in which I recognise life events or states of mind, allows me to visualise creative decisions and goals, reflect on the year gone by and set intentions for the year ahead. If that all sounds a little woo woo to you, well I can tell you that I used to totally think that too! However, Katie guides us in how this process enables you to see the powerful part that you play in making your own life choices,  your approach, and your capacity to listen to your own needs and yearnings.

We had an amazing evening and I can’t wait to manifest what I created in the coming months! If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, click here for more details!

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